Chryll — the rock golem from Vestea
Chryll is an ancient, elemental creature from an old world, the planet Vestea. According to legends, it is said that he was created by a group of galactic explorers from an old civilization to help them in their quest to find a treasure hidden in the center of the rocky planet. He was created right in the middle of the biggest volcano in the entire solar system. The journey was not easy, but they overcame every single obstacle or enemy.
With each new fight, Chryll became bigger and stronger, adding more and more rock to his body. He saved the explorers in countless situations during the whole ordeal, so when the quest was over, they let the creature be free. Chryll realized that the treasure the explorers stole was the planetary stone, a very powerful artifact sought out by the most powerful beings in the metaverse. It is what can create life on a planet. Realizing what had been done, Chryll tried to retrieve the stone, but it was too late. Since then, he has been roaming the planet for hundreds of thousands of years, becoming the main protector of Vestea, which has since become a mostly lifeless planet.
Chryll is a large, bipedal golem-like creature, making him one of the biggest Arties in the whole metaverse. He is made of big solid rocks and he has a pattern of bright orange lava throughout his body. He has a big formation of pointy rocks on his head, acting as a very powerful horn. Chryll could pound the ground with his large fists and he could create enormous earthquakes that would kill anything in its radius. He has a strange mixture of high intelligence, and curiosity, as well as a hunger for knowledge. Chryll is a curious and friendly creature, but he can be incredibly dangerous if he becomes aggressive. During battle, this incredibly powerful Artie will search for new rocks to repair himself if severely damaged. The body is held together by the concentration of extremely hot lava. He does not appear to have a brain or a heart; he is made of just rocks and lava in his entirety.
His attack is known as “Painful Punch”. It deals damage to non-earth-type Arties at 1/6 of the enemy health for four consecutive turns. Besides being mostly a Defense type of Artie, he can be quite deadly given the right circumstances, and can be used in strategic ways for dealing constant damage to his enemies during the entire encounter.
The Critical Hit is “Blinding Mist”. With this ability, Chryll raises Special Defense for himself and blinds his opponents. This is one of the best showcases of a defensive ability that has a tactical tint to it.
To put it in another way, Chryll is a tank-type creature. With a very slow general speed but a really strong defense and endurance to enemy attacks, he is probably one of the best additions to your Artie arsenal.